The Future Is Here: No More Expensive Car Loans – brbcar ( Your New Car for a Monthly Subscription, Maintenance & Insurance Included

Cars Made Simple by brbcar – has made it easier for anyone to get a car for a monthly subscription. Subscriptions can be paid with Bitcoin, so no credit card or bank account required – the service is great for people with bad credit or with maxed out credit cards.

National ENQ COVID-19 News: Post Coronavirus Pandemic Businesses Which May Have a Bright Future: Elon Musk’s Tesla, Bill Gates’ Microsoft, Jeff Bezos’ Amazon, Mark Zuckerberg’s Facebook

National ENQ COVID-19 News: As Macy’s will come out of the coronavirus pandemic as a smaller business, Mark Zuckerberg’s Facebook, Jeff Bezos’ Amazon, Elon Musk’s Tesla and Bill Gates’ Microsoft have big decisions to make.